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RaidenHTTPD users login/password/access rights and virtual path access rights are stored in a standard Microsoft Access MDB format (database file), Ms-Access is probably the most common desktop database product for every windows, by using this popular formats, users of RaidenHTTPD can modfiy/edit the database easily by Ms-Access GUI program, or even write your own programs/scripts to modify the database externally so that your own application can be integrated with RaidenHTTPD easily.

MDB database file: A microsoft standard format database file, you can modify it programmatically by ODBC/ADO..and other datbase APIs.

RaidenHTTPD users access rights: including user's login name, passwords, IP ranges and the paths that he can access.


Basic requirements: RaidenHTTPD 1.1.49+

Table schema:

In the RaidenHTTPD program directory, there is a conf sub-folder and you can find this RaidenHTTPD.mdb inside it, that is the database file.

You can open by Microsoft Access, double click on it by Windows Explorer and you will see three tables when the file is opened by Access.

By double clicking the groups table, you will see the following table content, each row means a group name in RaidenHTTPD.

groupname : name of the group

IsActive : 1 = group is enabled, 0 = group is disabled

IpchkType : 0 = no check , 3 = deny all except.. , 1 = allow all except..

IpchkList : list of IPs that are allowed or denied, use ; as IPs seperator. (ex: IP1;IP2)

By double clicking the users table, you will see the following table content, each row represents an user account in RaidenHTTPD.

username : name of the user

password : password of the user

IsActive : 1 = user is enabled, 0 = user is disabled

IpchkType : 0 = no check , 3 = deny all except.. , 1 = allow all except..

IpchkList : list of IPs that are allowed or denied, use ; as IPs seperator. (ex: IP1;IP2)

By double clicking the VirtualPaths table, you will see the following table content, each row represents a virtual path access rule RaidenHTTPD.

virtual_host : virtual host name of this rule

url_path : virtual path name of this rule

realm : the hint text displayed in title of message box which asks for the username and password

IsActive : 1 = rule is enabled, 0 = rule is disabled

AuthType : 1 = requires user/pass to access this path , 0 = anonymous access

AuthUsers : list of users who are allowed to access this path

AuthGroups : list of groups that are allowed to access this path

IpchkType : 0 = no check , 3 = deny all except.. , 1 = allow all except..

IpchkList : list of IPs that are allowed or denied, use ; as IPs seperator. (ex: IP1;IP2)



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